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Direct care is the simplest path to your child's doctor

The direct care model has been gaining in popularity over the last couple of decades but especially over the last 10 years. This is due to its ability to provide patients and families the most clear line of access to their doctor while sidestepping the increasing amount of control that insurance companies exert over physicians that receive their payments. In short, the insurance model of care has become unsustainable. Burnout in medicine is at an all time high for physicians and the direct care model also lays the foundation for a thriving and fulfilling practice for physicians and patients long into the future. Want to be able to text your doctor or call them directly instead of having to explain your need several times to several different people in a practice phone tree or in the office? Not with direct care. Direct communication with your child's doctor is encouraged and included. And that's just the beginning! See the membership page for more information on what's included with a direct primary care membership with Spirit Pediatrics.

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